12 April 2007

In the News...

Yesterday was a beautiful day so Chris and I took the girls to the park to get some fresh air and exercise. I was quite surprised to see only two other children there, but they were Chelsea's age so they had a ton of fun chasing each other around and Tess was just happy to be "free range" and delighted in running around such open space. Chelsea's new friend shared a snack with her YoGo's and since she liked them, and they appeared to be a healthy yogurt snack, I was sure to add them to this morning's online shopping cart. Foolish me, I just checked the nutrition label and not 1g of protein to be found. Naturally, they're loaded with sugar and its only redeeming quality is that its lowfat, but most candy is. No wonder we have an obesity epidemic on our hands...seemingly healthy snacks are no better then their evil twin brothers! I might as well have ordered up a hunk of cotton candy for the girls. Oh well, lesson learned.

I've spent a fair amount of time this week sifting through hundreds of scholary journal articles on the topic of Childhood Obesity. Wow...so much material to work with here regarding the children's obesity epidemic that I'll be forced to narrow down my broad topic to something more specific. I think I'll be focusing on solutions to the problem rather then a topic overview inundated with statistics and accusations. Seeing this is my first run with a BLOG, I also spent some time playing around with some of the cool features. Note my "From the Headlines" section from Google News. This is a very cool feature because it automatically updates my page with the most current news stories related to my topic. Childhood Obesity is a hot topic in the news right now, so everyday my "From the Headlines" section changes...check back tomorrow and you'll see what I mean.


Catherine said...

There are many significant statistics as to the rise in and seriousness of childhood obesity.
I look forward to your research.

Kat said...

Alicyn you did a great job with your blog. I am total jealous and will have do alot of work to catch up to you.

Sharon said...

Hey Alicyn, if you google body by brandy or go to body by brandy.com and there is a section on "Body by Brandy 4kids. Its really good.